Are You in The Market For Perfect Health?

calm joy meditation relax reset sacredrest stress relief vitality well-being wellness yoganidra Dec 16, 2022

Are You in The Market For Perfect Health?


For starters, what does perfect health mean to you?


The absence of disease, the daily experience of radical joy and vitality?


I see health as the manifestation of harmony in mind, body, and spirit and I believe Yoga Nidra is a wonderful practice to cultivate exactly that!


Have You Heard of Yoga Nidra? 


The first time I practiced Yoga Nidra was at a meditation teacher training. The way that I felt after the practice is hard to describe with words. Perhaps, transcendent will have to do!


It was a journey unlike I had taken before and the more I practiced, the better and better the experience and the results became. 


The depth of ease, grace, and compassion both from an emotional vantage point as well as the physical benefits of calm were palpable. 


Of course, another major bonus is how it amplified my ability to manifest through the power of Intention or use of a Sankalpa stated 3 times at the beginning and end of each practice. 


Yoga Nidra is an ancient meditation practice that follows a systematic format to address your koshas (sheaths/veils) in order to purify them to go beyond them and is profoundly healing on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. 🕊️✨


The Koshas are:


➡️The Food Body (Bones/Flesh/Fluids)


➡️The Energy Body (Breath/Chakras/Aura/Meridians/Electrical Charge of the Nervous System)


➡️The Mental/Emotional Body (your emotions and memories that signal the nervous & endocrine systems-the field of duality,  judgment, + separation)


➡️The Creative, Intuitive, Wise Body (your imagination)


➡️The Bliss/Joy Body (deepest layer of your personal self, unhooked from any suffering where you meet your own Divinity)


When we dissolve our sheaths awareness merges with the unconditional love force that is Oneness. and we return to our own Divinity. 


Once you have a taste of this state of BEing there is no turning back. 


1 yoga Nidra session is the equivalent of 3 hours of REM sleep. 


The practice literally allows you to release all that does not serve your highest good and restore your nervous system to its calm state of ease and harmony. 


The best part is that it is practiced in savasana (corpse pose)! 


No need to have to sit in an uncomfortable position for hours on end wondering if your mind will ever just chill for a moment! 


If this excites you, carve out the time to give this powerful practice a try and be sure to let me know how the experience was for you. 


Manifest Perfect Health  📿📿🧘🧘💯😇💙


To your peace 🕊️☮️


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