How To Source Divine Communication Using What You Already Have

May 23, 2022

So, you wanna source Divine Communication using what you already have? Sweet! I’ve got your back!

But first, we must discuss this tendency you have that’s getting in your way.

All of your jumping through hoops and pushing so hard is great if you want to shorten your lifespan and cut yourself off from the radical joy and ease you could have if you would just learn to flex your inner senses.

Your inner sense(s) has feelers for all things Divine.

When you know how to access this innate powerful gift there is NO going back to living life primarily focusing on the physical manifestation of things and what we refer to as form.

You are made up of the things that create worlds and it is all just chillin’ inside of your soul waiting to be leveraged for your greatest good.

So how then do you do just that?

If you want to leverage your intuition.

If you want to channel wisdom from the Divine and you want to manifest, you must stop looking so hard with your physical senses.

You have a badass kaleidoscope, compass, and frankly bat-line to Divine wisdom and it doesn’t reside between your ears!

It resides in your soul.

And the only way to access it is to shut down your outer senses and turn within.

You see you have this vast inner divine wisdom that is waiting to be awakened.

The way to wake this up is to S L O W way D O W N.

To take some radical and radiant rest.

To allow your mind a chance to disengage from the barrage of instant stimulation 24-7.

To allow your parasympathetic nervous system to turn on.

To allow your analytical mind to take a back seat to allow your divine inner wisdom to show her/himself in all their splendor.

Let’s SOAR:

1-Decide you want things to be different than they are.

2-Intend to connect with this inner compass that is awaiting your visit.

3-Carve out 5 minutes and sit with your beautiful soul. That’s it. NOTHING else. Just sit.

4-Practice patience, compassion, and grace with whatever you notice during the experience.

Savasana or corpse pose is the HARDEST posture or asana in yoga because when you still the physical body, the mental chatter or monkey mind gets quite a bit louder….

What’s cool is that your mind is doing what it was born to do, think copious amounts of thoughts. That’s roughly 6,000 a day. And 80% of the thoughts you have today are the same ones you had yesterday and about 80% of them are negative in nature.

So, as you learn to shut down your mind and flex your inner senses you learn how to become a silent witness or observer of your thoughts. That means you don’t have to engage with them in any way, you simply say oh hey and release each one as they come into your awareness.

So, you can stop making it so difficult for yourself to flex your intuition, channel wisdom from the Divine, or manifest all the miracles you can muster.

If you really want to dip your toe in the waters of sacred rest and dial up your ability to connect with the unseen, you want to give Yoga Nidra a spin.

Yoga Nidra is the ancient art and science of doing nothing. Not only does it help you manifest like a ninja it also resets your entire nervous system and provides deep healing every single time you practice.

A few things about this practice:

It’s rooted in neuroscience and is a systematic process that provides complete (mental-emotional-physical) relaxation.

It leverages something humans are used to doing, sleeping!

One yoga nidra session is equivalent to 3 hours of REM sleep.

It’s a powerful practice to replace limiting beliefs and/or to plant a seed for something that you are hoping to bring into your life. #manifestation

Whatever it is that you need, you will receive exactly that with every practice.

The premise is to remain aware and awake during the practice. Although if you fall asleep, you will still receive the benefits.

Richard Miller is the grandfather of iRest, a Yoga Nidra that has been instrumental in supporting veterans with PTSD in achieving significant improvement in their symptoms.

If you would like to try my Yoga Nidra session, “Calling Yourself Home” I would be honored to share it with you. 

Let me know in the comments.👇🏻 

As you begin to offer your mind, body, and spirit the opportunity for sacred and radiant rest, your nervous system will begin to repair itself and in so doing, your entire frequency will shift into a state of calm and THIS is where the veil thins between you and the unseen and all the divine downloads you can imagine will begin to pour in. It doesn’t get any better than that!

In Divine love, 💙


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