Is Your Soul Craving Retreat?

Apr 27, 2022

Retreats are a wonderful opportunity to release what's no longer serving you and to allow yourself the freedom and space to play with and try on different perspectives.

Retreats also offer a powerful avenue to be witnessed, seen, and heard in a safe container.

My favorite thing about facilitating retreats is the DWY (Done With You) connection they offer.

The connection to self, the Universe, and other participants in the retreat also offer deep healing. We are wired for connection and when people gather together who hold the same intention (healing) the results are extraordinary โœจ

There are always opportunities for DIY (Do It Yourself) & DFY (Done For You) kind of work & self discovery is not one of them, especially when you are first starting out on this journey of discovering who you ARE.

In the retreats I provide, I hold safe and nonjudgmental space and guide you through experiences that connect you to your inner gym, the altar where your deepest wisdom lives.

This is powerful medicine to witness. When retreat participants have a breakthrough or something lands deep in the core of their being for the first time.

What I appreciate so much about how spirit works is that the participants always receive exactly what they need.

This all has to do with INTENTION. They came to release and shed an old skin and to step into the truer version of themselves.

Beautifully demonstrated by retreat participant Jill:

"Before working with Lisbeth: Jill struggled with fear, doubt and uncertainty and not enough confidence for herself.

Through Lisbeth's Divine Downloads card deck and retreat I have been able to access my playful nature and my joy for living. Lisbeth taught me how to manifest and opened up my awareness to the opportunities of life. Instead of peeling the onion away, I am putting a nice fluff on life. Lisbeth helped me bring nature more into my daily experience. I live my life more joyfully and holistically, despite what is happening around me. At 65, I am building a legacy with my daughters. JILL LLC (Joy In Living Life)"
Jill W.

You are designed to live the life you dream of. Your soul came to Earth ๐ŸŒ to fulfill a mission.

You hold within you the power that creates worlds. ๐Ÿช„You hold the clay.

I can support you in regaining access to your inner teacher and trusting her wisdom. โœจ

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." Michelangelo
Are you ready to raise your hand and discover the keys that will liberate you from struggle, fear, and doubt?

I have created a divine retreat experience for you. SOUL TRAVEL RETREAT ๐Ÿ’ซ a 6 week container of love, light, and expansion.

All from the comfort of your home. No โœˆ๏ธtravel or ๐Ÿฉhotel required and pants๐Ÿ‘–are always optional! ๐Ÿคฃ

How do you know if Soul Travel Retreat is right for you?

Soul Travel Retreat is not for everyone. It takes a certain level of curiosity, commitment, and the courage to release what no longer serves your soul to do this expansive work and it doesn’t happen in a weekend or by applying some formula.

This is your life, not a computer program!

Your relationship to your soul erupts organically over time from your heart, never the mind. It's an entire vibe. โœจ๐Ÿ“ฟ๐Ÿง˜‍โ™€๏ธ

I will show you how to access that wisdom with accessible and practical tools.

Retreat participant, Jan shared this about her experience:

Lisbeth has a way of lifting your spirit as a woman that no one else I have ever worked with has.

Her energy is vibrant and joyful. In her retreat she uses great verbiage and tools to help one with identifying and owning their unique self, spirit, soul encased in a physical body.

I highly recommend her retreat, workshops.

I came out recharged and centered in my Spiritual Gifts. Doesn't get any better than that!
Jan Boal, Empowering Guide and Certified Cannabis Nurse

This work is soul excavation just like when Michelangelo created the infamous statue of "David". To create David Michelangelo simply chiseled away what wasn't David, so his true inner beauty could shine.

Are you ready to reveal your soul masterpiece? If your soul is saying yes, comment Soul Travel ๐Ÿš€ in the comments ๐Ÿ‘‡or send me a message to get the retreat details.

Will you be one of the 10 souls on this sacred journey? First come, first served. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

In Divine Love ๐Ÿ’™


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